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Hyde Square Task Force Declares Sale of Blessed Sacrament Church Will Benefit Community

Last updated on May 17, 2021

The Hyde Square Task Force announced that the sale of the Blessed Sacrament Church will eventually be sold to a developer that will do something with the property that benefits the community.

Blessed Sacrament Church (Hyde Square Task Force photo)

The Hyde Square Task Force Board of Directors emailed an update in English and Spanish to provide an update to the community.

The board reiterated that they decided to sell the old church after six years of exploring ways to turn it into a community space. But they ultimately decided they didn’t want to do a multi-million dollar campaign to transform the church.

After announcing they would sell the property, many community members were frustrated that a community space was not being created, and that HSTF would sell the property to a developer.

“As we shared through a series of six community meetings in the fall of 2020, we continue to be committed to a sale that meets not only the financial needs of HSTF, but also benefits the community,” said the email.

They outlined three criteria that are important to proposed sales:

  1. Prioritize a buyer that appreciates the significance of the building to the community, Boston’s Latin Quarter, and will keep this in mind as it goes forward with the redevelopment of the site.
  2. Ensure that HSTF can continue to activate the front of the church through a series of annual arts and cultural events.
  3. The proposed project will need to go through a redevelopment review process that includes the voices of the Latin Quarter community.

HSTF has been working with a broker and in the weeks ahead they are reviewing proposals.

“We are committed to keeping you informed as the sale process continues. With each passing day, this beautiful building continues to deteriorate, and we are committed to seeing it come back to life in a way that honors its past and fits into the vision of our neighborhood, Boston’s Latin Quarter,” said the board.

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