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Survivors of Narcissism, Yoga Classes, and Pro-Unionization: Signs Found on Poles in Jamaica Plain…

Last updated on February 21, 2024

Sign. Sign. Everywhere a sign. There are a lot of poles throughout Jamaica Plain — and there are a lot of signs posted on them. Signs about equity, equality, concerts, farmers markets, exercise classes, dance classes, meetings, and a lot more.

Here are just several of the signs throughout Centre Street:

Advertisements for yoga classes and concerts on street poles are ubiquitous.
Teaching is a stressful job — go running!
A community campaign message to the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation to listen to its tenants’ demands.
Ah yes, there are always signs asking to take one of the torn pieces of paper so you remember to do something after you see the sign — register, call, email, write…
A pro-union sign — encouraging Amazon employees to unionize.
A Spanish advertisement for one of the city’s reimagining White Stadium meetings that happened on Feb. 12.
An upcoming concert for Jamaica Plain-based nonprofit Ethos.
Remember the Jamaica Plain Farmers Market is behind the Bank of American on Saturday from 12 to 3 pm.
Narcissists are soul-sucking jerks.
An advertisement for a BalletRox event.
Not sure what’s going on this one.
Plan ahead for this April 16-19 BalletRox event at Spontaneous Celebrations.
Info, location and schedules for Ethos’ LGBTQ Community Cafe.


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This article is from the Jamaica Plain Historical Society's website,…
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