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No One Injured After Stones Fall Off Blessed Sacrament Church

For two days in a row the Boston Fire Department visited the Blessed Sacrament Church to attend to falling stones from the building.

On Nov. 24, the Boston Fire Department tweeted that, “Some of the beautiful coping stones have show they’re aging by falling to the steps below.”

No injuries were caused by the falling stones.

The Blessed Sacrament Church is owned by Hyde Square Task Force, which purchased it in 2014 with the intent of redeveloping it into a community center.

Boston Fire companies responded to Blessed Sacrament Church for falling stones (Photo from

But the HSTF Board of Directors voted earlier this year to sell the church after being unable to find a partner to help redevelop the church.

BFD Tower Ladder 10 visited the church on Wednesday to check on the status of the building, and remove any loose pieces of coping and corbels. ISD was on scene to secure the property.

Boston Fire personnel visited the Blessed Sacrament Church on Nov. 24-25, 2020 due to falling stone from the building. (Photo from


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