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Photos: 35th Annual Jamaica Plain Lantern Parades

The cold arrived just in time for Jamaica Plain’s annual Lantern Parades this past weekend. Participants, some donning costumes, met at Jamaica Pond’s Boat House on Saturday and Sunday, and paraded around the pond with lanterns in tow at dusk.

You don’t have to be young, or with a youngster (at least in a photo) to enjoy Jamaica Plain’s lantern parades.

This is the 35th year for the annual tradition presented by Spontaneous Celebrations and the Friends of Jamaica Pond. Some participants wore scary costumes, and the classic skeleton outfit never goes out of style.

Jamaica Plain’s City Councilor “Bat” O’Malley is always at the lantern parade festivities! He knows it’s a can’t-miss event.

One of the coolest visuals at the parades is seeing all of the lanterns strung up by the boat house before the parade.

Of course, dogs like Milo the Doodle, also get in on the action at the Jamaica Plain Lantern Parades.

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