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Senior Softball League Opens Player Registration for 2020

Last updated on February 17, 2020

Fifty-year-olds to 90-year-olds play in the Eastern Massachusetts Senior Softball League and registration is now open for the season starting May 1.

“I’m about to begin my fourth season in EMASS and I can’t wait to get started. Once the season begins, there’s a definite spring in my step and an easy smile on my face as game-day approaches,” said Jamaica Plain resident Michael Mauceri. “The men I play against and alongside are easy friends and peers, gentlemen who are well past feeling that we need to prove something, to make an impression. We’ve been there and done that, and now we just want to play ball.”

While teams don’t play in Jamaica Plain, there are numerous JP residents in the 400-plus member league that plays across eastern Massachusetts through Labor Day with playoffs ending in early October.

And don’t worry if you’re not confident in your ability because there are five divisions of different skill levels from casual recreational to players on nationally competitive tournament teams. Two divisions play doubleheaders on Saturday mornings and three divisions play doubleheaders on weekdays.

Last year the average age is 67 with 70 players in their fifties, 160 in their sixties, 140 in their seventies and 30 in their eighties.

“After running the Jamaica Plain Regan Youth League for 8 years I joined EMASS softball. I had not played since I was in little league, and immediately remembered how much fun it was to run around and play on a team,” said Jamaica Plain resident Michael Frank. “It took a little while for my skills to catch up with my enthusiasm, but I am now looking forward to beginning my 16th year in the league. It has been a terrific opportunity to meet new friends and stay in shape.”

For more info and to register for the 2020 season please visit

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