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T Service, Including Orange Line, Reduced Monday

Neighbors, here’s your Morning Memo for all things Jamaica Plain for Monday, Feb. 9.

T Service Reduced: The MBTA will run on Monday, but less often. There will be a midday schedule all day, meaning they’re promising fewer trains. For instance, the Orange Line, which on paper has a new car every six minutes during rush hour, is scheduled to have just one car every 10 minutes for Monday’s rush hours. And if you commute to the far end of the Orange Line, be warned: They’ll be replacing subway service with buses between Sullivan and Oak Grove for snow removal between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. so those fancy jet-powered blasters (there’s a video of one in action above) can clean the tracks.

Economy Plumbing Meeting: Among the week’s biggest civic meetings, unless it’s postponed because of the weather, is Tuesday’s Egleston Square Neighborhood Association/Egleston Square Main Street joint meeting about a huge proposed development centered on what is now Economy Plumbing. 3200 Washington St. is on the drawing board to become 73 apartments, three townhouses plus retail space. The meeting right now is scheduled for 6 p.m. Tuesday at Brookside Community Health Center. If that changes, we’ll let you know.

Learn About Coops: No, not chicken coops. We’re talking worker cooperatives. It’s the subject of Thursday’s Jamaica Plain Forum. Here are details on the speakers scheduled for the free discussion, scheduled for 7 p.m. Thursday at First Church in JP Unitarian/Universalist.

Okay, folks. Take it easy. And amid any griping you might do about the streets, sidewalks and the fact that we’ve run out of room to put all this snow, take a look at this photo gallery of folks enjoying the white stuff. We’re lucky in JP to have so many parks. Go enjoy one of them today!

For more of what’s going on in the neighborhood, visit the Jamaica Plain News calendar. And here’s how to add your group or business’ event to the calendar.

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