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What Happens When You Film JP Faces For 10 Seconds Each? Magic.

Last updated on April 13, 2014

What happens when you roam the streets of JP asking strangers to let you video them for 10 seconds with no talking or smiling?

It’s magical. And a little heart-breaking.

That’s why Jamaica Plain rocker Rick Berlin used the resulting footage for this video for “Something Breaks My Heart.”

“I ran around Jamaica Plain, into stores, bars, restaurants, outside, inside and asked friends and people I’d never met to let me film 10 seconds of their face, close-up, not speaking or smiling,” Berlin wrote in a email about the video’s backstory. “These faces and personalities are beautiful to me. Quick shots, un-premeditated, straight-forward and honest. No pretty mirror to put a best face forward.”

The song is from Berlin and the Nickel and Dime Band’s latest album, “When We Were Kids.”


You can join Berlin and the band for the CD release party April 18 at the Lizard Lounge.

Meanwhile, take a look at the video for “Something Breaks My Heart” and marvel at the faces your neighbors have earned.