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Councilor Erin Murphy Running for SJC Suffolk County Clerk

Last updated on March 10, 2024

At-Large Boston City Councilor Erin Murphy recently let it be known that she’s running for the Supreme Judicial Court for Suffolk County’s clerk.

Murphy is looking to replace Maura Doyle, who recently announced she’s retiring from the elected position. Murphy’s announcement was originally reported by Kelly Garrity.

Garrity reported that Murphy said her decades as a BPS teacher and her time on the council make her qualified for the job whose responsibilities are for “the single justice caseload of the Supreme Judicial Court, administrative and disciplinary matters filed by the Board of Bar Overseers affecting members of the bar, and matters relating to Bar Admission and the practice of law in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.”

Murphy will be running against Allison Cartwright, who, like Doyle, is an attorney, reported Cartwright’s been a lawyer for 23 years, and is currently managing director for the Committee for Public Counsel Services.

If Murphy gets elected, Bridget Nee-Walsh, who came in fifth for the race for the four at-large council seats in 2023, could fill the remainder of Murphy’s term if Nee-Walsh decides to take the job.

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