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$3,000 Reward: Help Find Nala the Bengal Cat

Last updated on February 7, 2023

Kailee Kennedy is devastated that her bengal cat Nala is still missing from her Jamaica Plain home and is offering a $3,000 reward for returning her to Kennedy.

Nala has been missing since Jan. 22 when Kennedy was taking a walk with her on Dalrymple, and Nala got frightened by a dog, and the feline took off with her purple harness and leash on her.

“I have hired a pet detective, someone to fly a drone with a thermal camera multiple times, hired an animal communicator, printed and posted 500+ flyers on street poles and in mailboxes, set up food stations and cameras, posted across social media, talked with my neighbors, and organized a community search party on February 5 — all with no luck,” Kennedy told Jamaica Plain News.

Nala is spayed, micro-chipped, and a legal domesticated pet in Massachusetts. Kennedy is offering the $3,000 cash reward, no questions asked, which is more than what she paid for Nala.

“She is safe and her personality is more shy. I don’t think she’d approach a stranger,” said Kennedy.

Please contact Kennedy at 617-710-0948 if you see her or hear anything.


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