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Chang-Díaz Implores Citizens to Cosponsor Vaccine Equity Act

Last updated on February 28, 2021

106 and counting. That’s how many citizens, so far, have signed on as cosponsors to the Vaccine Equity Act after state Sen. Sonia Chang-Díaz implored people to do so.

Chang-Díaz (D-2nd Suffolk) is a lead sponsor of the bill with Sen. Becca Rausch.

People of color account for 51 percent of COVID-19 cases in Massachusetts, but only 15 percent of those who’ve received vaccines to-date, according to statistics cited by Chang-Diaz.

The bill would do the following things:

  • Require the governor to appoint a vaccine equity director whose sole focus is addressing vaccination disparities rooted in racism, government mistrust, and disparate access to information and resources
  • Require a robust outreach and communications campaign, both via mass media and direct grassroots tactics (like door-to-door canvassing), aimed at hardest-hit communities
  • Create a mobile vaccination program for communities with highest COVID rates
  • Expand Stop the Spread sites to all Gateway Cities
  • Require transparency about vaccine distribution and implementation plans, including tracking the 20 percent additional doses committed to most-vulnerable communities, the number of unused doses, and key demographic data on vaccinations

The coalition petition also asked Governor Charlie Baker to immediately direct $10 million to trusted community organizations for outreach and engagement in communities of color.

Click here to be a citizen cosponsor.


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