Attention all artists! The UForge Gallery is going to manage the new art gallery space in the Jamaica Plain Branch Library and they want artists to submit their work for the gallery.
The JP Branch Library on South Street is expected to reopen in May and the Friends of the Jamaica Plain Branch Library will be presenting bi-monthly shows of two-dimensional works by New England area artists in the library’s new public exhibiting space. The Friends group is also funding the public gallery space.
There is no specific theme, but artists are encouraged to include work that can be enjoyed “by the diverse visitorship of the JP Branch Library, including children, teens, and other community members.”
The exhibits will be proposal-based, selected by a group of JP area artists and library affiliates, including Ginny Zanger of the JP Art Association and Eve Griffin of the Boston Public Library.
The deadline for submissions is 5 pm on Friday, April 7th. Click here for more information and to submit proposals. If you have any questions, please email