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Orange Line Extension to Rozzie Square Envisioned

Possible route of Orange Line extension along Commuter Rail line
Possible route of Orange Line extension along Commuter Rail line

A giant report on how to overhaul the city’s transportation system includes an item of keen interest for JP residents: An extension of the Orange Line from Forest Hills to Roslindale Square.

City Hall published the report Tuesday. The full 224 pages are required reading for transit advocates. But many neighborhood residents might focus on page 157. It describes how Orange Line riders could get a one-seat ride all the way to Rozzie Square by using track next to the commuter rail bed.

Mayor Marty Walsh’s report estimates a $500 million pricetag and 15-plus year timeline for the extension. A glance at the terrible difficulties facing the Green Line extension in Somerville should be enough to stir skepticism that the project will ever happen. But hey, at least it’s on the mayor’s wish list.

For a description of the other 57 projects envisioned by City Hall, read WBUR’s coverage. Other projects with JP impacts include a greenway for Columbia Road and making the whole corridor from Forest Hills to Jackson Square more “multi-modal” — transportation engineer jargon for being able to walk, bike, drive or take public transit.

We’ve embedded the full page on a possible Orange Line extension below:

[scribd-doc doc=341244596 key=key-hH5muTz40RZBnnY7OiHZ mode=scroll]
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