A giant report on how to overhaul the city’s transportation system includes an item of keen interest for JP residents: An extension of the Orange Line from Forest Hills to Roslindale Square.
The JP Honk Band turns up at the darndest places. Like Beacon Hill protests. Or escorting a JP resident through Downtown Crossing to pick up her senior T pass on her 65th birthday. On Thursday night, our neighbors in Roslindale Square got a taste of the itinerant street band. Here’s a quick video.
Sendie Dorcelly and Whitney Brice of Mattapan and Rachel St. Fleurose of Roslindale enjoy the Tchaka Festival on Memorial Day 2015. Credit: Richard Heath.
A week after their grand Independence Day parade down Blue Hill Avenue, the Haitian community gathered in the hundreds at Jamaica Plain’s Pagel Playground in the Woodbourne neighborhood for the third annual Tchaka Fest on Memorial Day.
Eleanor Robinson of Weymouth takes a whiff of one of the sweetest lilacs in the collection. Credit: Richard Heath
It was very close after a cold spring, but the lilacs made it through, blooming and blossoming their very best for the thousands who flocked to the Arnold Arboretum for the 2015 edition of Lilac Sunday.
Here’s a gallery of photos from the Mother’s Day tradition, which is estimated to draw more than 30,000 people.