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Ángel Alberto Amy Moreno, 69: Photographer and Professor

Ángel Alberto Amy Moreno
Ángel Alberto Amy Moreno

Hello neighbors. Here’s your Morning Memo for all things Jamaica Plain for Friday, Aug. 29.

RIP, Ángel Alberto Amy Moreno: Jamaica Plain lost a cultural giant last week as Ángel Alberto Amy Moreno, 69, died of cancer. Amy’s photography, writing and scholarship celebrated his Puerto Rican and Spanish roots. Among many other roles in his rich life, he taught photography at Roxbury Community College and the University of Puerto Rico and was a columnist for El Mundo. His funeral will be held Friday, Sept. 19 at 10 a.m. at Forest Hills Cemetery. Read more about his life at and the Gazette.

More Jobs: I seem to be finding lots of job listings to pass on these days. One of JP’s fastest-growing companies, Tremendous Maid in Jackson Square, is hiring a part-time office/sales assistant.

First Thursday Preview: Can you believe next week it’s another First Thursday Artwalk along Centre/South? The months fly by. There’s a lot to highlight, including another pig-based “pop-up” restaurant meal from Brad Brown at Blue Frog Bakery. Also, the first members of the collective behind UForge Gallery have a reception showcasing their work. 5-9 p.m. all along Centre/South on Thursday.

Have a good Labor Day weekend, JP!

For more of what’s going on in the neighborhood, visit the Jamaica Plain News calendar. And here’s how to add your group or business’ event to the calendar.