
Arte Poético/Poetic Art: Our Words, Our Communities Exhibit

Connolly Branch Library 433 Centre St., Jamaica Plain

An intergenerational art/poetry exhibit combining the works of Teacher Donovan's third grade students from the John F. Kennedy Elementary School and residents of the Nate Smith House. Poets participated in bilingual workshops with poet and founder of Poetry is Busy Studio, Yara-Liceaga Rojas, using "What does community mean to you?" as an inspiration to mixed-media works that will be displayed at the library. this programming is supported through the generosity of donors to the BPL…

Unlock Your Career Potential: Crafting a Resume Workshop with Michael Brown

Need help crafting the perfect resume? Join the Connolly Branch Library on May 14th for a resume workshop taught by the BPL's Workforce Librarian Michael Brown. In this interactive session, participants will be guided through a comprehensive exploration of resume creation, from understanding the foundational elements to implementing advanced strategies that cater to individual career aspirations. Whether you are stepping into the job market for the first time, seeking to pivot into a new industry,…

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