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Posts tagged as “Jamaica Plain Business and Professional Association”

New Cigarette ‘Buttlers’ Help Centre Street Look Its Best

One of the new Sidewalk Buttlers on Centre Street

In November, Jamaica Plain News reported that smart receptacles for cigarette butts would soon be coming to Centre Street. These Sidewalk Buttlers are now up. Each box bears the name of a local business that helped sponsor the project. The boxes are inconspicuous, so you might not have noticed them yet.

Carlos B. Icaza, Carpenter and Neighborhood Advocate

Carlos B. Icaza, second from right, died Saturday, Aug. 16, 2014. Here he is seen at the June 2014 meeting of the JP Business & Professional Assoc. at Spontaneous Celebrations.
Carlos B. Icaza, second from right, died Saturday, Aug. 16, 2014. Here he is seen at the June 2014 meeting of the JP Business & Professional Assoc. at Spontaneous Celebrations.

Carlos B. Icaza, well-known in JP for his civic work with organizations like the JP Business & Professional Assoc., died Saturday, Aug. 16, 2014.

According to his death notice at, “Born in Hampden, Conn., Carlos was a reader, thinker, writer, adventurer, storyteller and troublemaker.”

Icaza was a union carpenter and president of Just Small Jobs Inc.

A celebration of his life will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 23 at The Parish of All Saints, 209 Ashmont St., Dorchester. The family asks that instead of flowers, gifts be sent to Community Servings, 18 Marbury Terrace, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130.