What’s flitting and flying around Franklin Park during the end of the summer? One way to find out about our fine feathered friends is by joining a bird walk with Nature Man Mike.
Mayor Michelle Wu said that the city will be hiring a dedicated full-time administrator and six new full-time maintenance and natural resources staff that will bring dedicated staff for Franklin Park to its highest level in more than 50 years.
The proposal to rehabilitate Franklin Park’s White Stadium to turn into the home field of a new women’s soccer league team, better serve Boston Public Schools and community events, will be discussed in a virtual public meeting on Jan. 11.
There will be a virtual public meeting on Tuesday to discuss the state’s proposal to redevelop the Shattuck campus to include new treatment beds, permanent supportive housing, family supportive housing and emergency housing beds, and more.
City officials are hosting a meeting to discuss revitalizing Franklin Park’s White Stadium to be the “centerpiece of Boston Public Schools athletics” on July 13.
The Franklin Park Coalition (FPC) is imploring Bostonians to contact the six city councilors who are not supporting the budget package that includes an amendment for additional Franklin Park maintenance.