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Posts tagged as “English High School”

DA: Former English High Dean Shot Student Over Teen’s Low Pot Sales

Drugs and guns allegedly found by police at the 18 Pompeii St. home  of the Rev. Shaun Harrison.
Drugs and guns allegedly found by police at the 18 Pompeii St. home of the Rev. Shaun Harrison.

A former English High School dean alleged to have been running a drug ring pleaded not guilty Wednesday to shooting a student in the head. Prosecutors say Shaun Harrison, 55, tried to execute a 17-year-old whose pot sales had been lagging.

UPDATED: Casey Arborway Construction Update Meeting Set for Jan. 21

File photo: The crumbling Casey Overpass in Forest Hills.
File photo: The crumbling Casey Overpass in Forest Hills.
[Editor’s note: Transportation officials moved this meeting from Tuesday, Jan. 13 to Wednesday, Jan. 21.]

The Department of Transportation is inviting residents to meet the team that will tear down the crumbling Casey Overpass and replace it with a network of surface roads.