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Mural Proposals Wanted for New Stonley Road Development with Artist Live-In Work Units

Last updated on June 26, 2024

Proposals are wanted for Brookley Flats, a new residential development at 10 Stonley Road.

The development will feature 45 income-restricted homeownership units, and uniquely include five artist live-work units.

The development includes a large mural on the stair tower, reflecting the community’s values and artistic vibrancy. The mural will be visible from the street and span approximately 9 feet in width and 35 feet in height. This public art piece will be painted on panels, facilitating both creation and installation. The mural will be digitally printed on a screen material and then installed on the

The design process will involve collaboration with residents “to ensure the mural reflects the community’s diverse cultural heritage and values.”

Proposals are due July 10 and will be reviewed through July 19. There will be interviews with artists from July 19 to 26, followed by the first community meeting in September.

JPNDC will review all submissions and conduct interviews with selected candidates, and interviewees will be asked to provide three references.

Email any questions and apply by submitting your proposal to by July 10, and use the subject line: RFP- Creation of a Mural at Brookley Flats. Please include the following items in your submission:

  • Portfolio and Resume: Attach your portfolio and resume, or a list of
    comparable projects.
  • Experience Description: Provide a description of your experience in
    creating murals in urban settings.
  • Concept Development: Outline your process for developing the mural
  • Diversity and Inclusion Plan: Submit a plan that outlines how your project
    will address diversity and inclusion within the mural creation process.
  • Estimated Budget: Provide a detailed budget estimate for the entire project.
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