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‘Pho & I’ Owners Aim for June Opening of Vietnamese-Thai Restaurant in JP

Last updated on March 20, 2014

DSC_0049 The recently-closed  

Ban Chiang House may reopen as early as June as a Vietnamese-Thai restaurant.

That’s the word from co-owners of the space at 707 Centre St. The duo, Napat Shriwannavit and Phunthip Sittwirachote, spoke with the JP Business and Professional Assoc. about their plans on Wednesday.

Shriwannavit said they aim for a June opening. The Vietnamese portion of the menu will focus on noodle bowls. She also said their repertoire will include banh mi, the signature sandwich of Vietnam.

The two have the 707 Centre St. property under agreement, said Paul Iantosca of Arborview Realty. For a preview of what to expect from the new restaurant, visit Pho and I, the restaurant run by Shriwannavit and Sittwirachote just across from the Huntington Theatre.

“It’s very impressive how they run their restaurant,” said Iantosca, a longtime JP resident whose family has deep roots in the restaurant business.

He said the new owners plan to take over the space as is and redecorate. The process is underway for transfer of the Ban Chiang House food, wine, beer and delivery licenses.

Ban Chiang House, a Thai restaurant at 707 Centre St., on March 13, 2014.
Ban Chiang House, a Thai restaurant at 707 Centre St., on March 13, 2014.
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