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Posts tagged as “Healthcare”

Yoga for Dizziness Relief

You should be able to continue exercising and doing what you love without dizziness getting in the way! This 6 week program is designed to help manage dizziness and related symptoms(i.e. vertigo, lightheadedness, loss of balance, unsteadiness, nausea, diplopia,etc.), decrease risk and severity of recurring episodes of dizziness, and improve quality and sustainability of outcomes of medically prescribed treatment strategies. This will be done through vestibular and neurological rehabilitation exercises focused on habituation, adaptation, substitution,…

Vinfen Job Fair

Looking for a full time or part time role in the human services field? Stop by our job fair on Wednesday, November 7th for an on the spot interview!  We are looking to speak with people who want to either start or continue their career in working with Adults with mental health conditions. Our positions have great varied schedules and are conveniently located in Metro Boston. We are hiring for the following roles: • Residential…

Capuano: Medicare for All; Healthcare is a Right, Not a Privilege

There are many opinions on the types of healthcare Americans should have access to. Republicans in Congress believe we’re all on our own. I believe we’re all in this together. And I firmly believe that healthcare is a right, not a privilege. That’s why I support single-payer healthcare: we need Medicare for all, and we need it now.