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Posts tagged as “Food Trucks”

Meet & Greet Giveback Anniversary Festival

Join TCGT Entertainment in celebrating 10 years of excellence with a FREE neighborhood festival! We want to bring some fun back into the summer for the community with a neighborhood celebration in the park for Boston families! We’re bringing an array of artists from various mediums to Playstead Field so they can share the passion with the community of Roxbury, Dorchester and Mattapan in Boston, MA. JULY 27TH, 2019 12PM-5PM PLAYSTEAD FIELD @ FRANKLIN PARK…

Thousands Flock to Lilac Sunday 2015

Eleanor Robinson of Weymouth takes a whiff of one of the sweetest lilacs in the collection.

Eleanor Robinson of Weymouth takes a whiff of one of the sweetest lilacs in the collection. Credit: Richard Heath

It was very close after a cold spring, but the lilacs made it through, blooming and blossoming their very best for the thousands who flocked to the Arnold Arboretum for the 2015 edition of Lilac Sunday.

Here’s a gallery of photos from the Mother’s Day tradition, which is estimated to draw more than 30,000 people.