Coffin Wild Flower Reservation

Coffin Wild Flower Reservation --, Woolwich, ME, United States

This sanctuary is one of seven owned by the Society. Hilly woods, a brook, and 1,256 feet of sandy shore and tidal marsh make up the 177-acre sanctuary, which borders lovely Merrymeeting Bay, well-known for its diversity of waterfowl. This hike along the trails will take us through woodlands that border the east side of the bay to a large, old stand of bigtooth aspen and fascinating freshwater estuary plants that are limited to this…

$33 – $40

Beautify Center Street

Mozart Park 10 Mozart Street, Jamaica Plain, MA, United States

Join you neighbors and make Centre Street look and smell amazing. We'll be planting daffodil bulbs and shrubs, and we'll spread mulch on street trees. If you can, please come with a wheelbarrow and/or a shovel. Meet at Mozart Park. RSVP to so that we have enough coffee and breakfast snacks for you.



In the Groves: A Summer Solstice Journey

Arnold Arboretum, Hunnewell Building 125 The Arborway, Jamaica Plain, MA, United States

Attend an enchanting evening of Tree Myths, Songs and Summer Solstice Legends. Diane Edgecomb and Margot Chamberlain spin tales of the human connection with trees and the deep meaning we have assigned to them through the ages. This unique performance travels through the Arnold Arboretum with story and music. Each story is told under a different tree or among a unique collection of Arboretum plants. Appropriate for adults and for children twelve years and above.…

$15 – $30

The Jamaica Plain News calendar is open to all local organizations and businesses.

Please be sure to include your email address so we can reach you in case there’s a problem!