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Improvements to Field, Pathways, Lighting, Seating Part of Proposed Murphy Playground Renovations

Last updated on May 28, 2024

A Boston Parks and Recreation plan to renovate the Murphy Playground includes improving the grass field, chain-link fences, installing new walkways, but isn’t guaranteeing to repair the dilapidated and crumbling concrete bleachers.

Murphy Playground

The proposed construction budget for the playground between Carolina Avenue and Child Street is $2.1 million. The project is currently in the design phase. There has been one public meeting about the project earlier this year.

The project includes improving the grass field, which is used by softball, baseball, and ultimate frisbee teams. Minor grading, aerating, and seed splicing will be used to enhance the field’s quality. Youth soccer teams have expressed wanting to use the field. As the field is now, there are divots throughout that cause safety issues. The field is also a meet-up spot for dog owners and walkers.

Improvement to the perimeter pedestrian pathways would also be made to make the park more ADA accessible. New sports lighting with less light leakage, new seating, repairs to the existing chain link fence, netting, and improved drainage, would also be included in the project.

An arborist has assessed the trees, and a preliminary report suggested possibly removing three major trees that are in decline. A decision to remove the trees has not yet been made, according to notes from the community meeting. Permeable flexible pavement would be installed around the trees, which would provide an accessible walking surface while minimizing damage to the tree’s roots.

Existing benches would be replaced, and if the construction budget allows, improvements will also include repairs to the existing concrete bleachers, much of which is falling apart and there’s exposed rebar.

It’s important to note that the concrete bleachers are Boston Public Schools property and are not owned, built, operated or maintained by the Boston Parks Department. But after feedback, the Parks Department is considering exploring using some of the project’s budget to renovate the bleachers.

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