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Parking Ban to be Lifted at 6 p.m. Tuesday

Major arteries where parking is banned as of 6 p.m. Monday, Jan. 26, 2015.

Major arteries where parking is banned until 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 3 2015. Credit: City of Boston

As the city enjoys a day of sun and no additional snow, Mayor Marty Walsh announced the parking ban would be lifted at 6 p.m. Tuesday. The parking ban applies to major arteries to keep them clear for emergency vehicles. JP is home to several of these stretches.

You can use this city widget to find out if your street is considered a major artery. You can also look up which garages are available to park in.

For Jamaica Plain, here is the list given if you select the “Jamaica Plain” parking sticker drop-down:

Public parking lots for snow emergencies
Public parking lots for snow emergencies

For all your JP snow news in one place, check Jamaica Plain Storm Center.

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