You don’t see a lot of celebrities in Jamaica Plain. Nor would you think there’d be a plethora of celebrities — at least enough for a sign pointing you to where the celebrities are located.
Posts tagged as “Sumner Hill”
Twenty-three years ago the then president of the Jamaica Plain Historical Society, Rhea Becker, had an idea. Why not conduct a series of walking tours during the summer months as a way to highlight the rich history of JP for people? The JPHS has been conducting historic walking tours of Jamaica Plain tours ever since.
UPDATE: Animal Control found Taupaw.
A Jamaica Plain man’s search for his missing dog-wolf hybrid has him at odds with the Coast Guard. Taupaw, a Dutch Wolfhound, went missing Thursday night and, according to owner Alexander Humphreys, has been making tracks all over Boston and Brookline.
Several parts of JP lost power Thursday, including Sumner Hill, Brookside Avenue and Amory Street. Eversource, the new name for NStar, reports 537 outages across Boston as of 2:30 p.m. on their handy outage map. The map, however, doesn’t pinpoint how many of those are in JP.