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Posts tagged as “Chris Helms”

David Ertischek Joins Jamaica Plain News

David Ertischek
David Ertischek

Hi neighbors, this is Chris Helms, publisher of Jamaica Plain News. I have some exciting news to share about this site.

My longtime colleague and friend David Ertischek, a well-known Boston journalist who has lived in JP for nearly 15 years, will be running Jamaica Plain News day-to-day.

I’ll still be involved with Jamaica Plain News, which I founded in April 2014. But I have a 9-to-5 job now in addition to Jamaica Plain News, so I’m bringing in help.

Scenes From Wake Up The Earth 2015

A scene from Wake Up The Earth 2015. A scene from Wake Up The Earth 2015.

A scene from Wake Up The Earth 2015. Credit: Richard Heath

Thousands of residents flocked to the Southwest Corridor Park on Saturday for a sun-filled Wake Up The Earth Festival. Here are a few photos.