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Posts tagged as “Boston Redevelopment Authority”

Affordable Housing Advocates Call For 3-Month Delay in Massive Rezoning Plan

John Dalzell, senior architect, discusses Forest Hills and the great potential of the Arborway Yard
John Dalzell, senior architect, discusses Forest Hills and the great potential of the Arborway Yard

Plan B went into full effect at the 6th Plan JP/Rox workshop last Wednesday as 50 protesters marched into the room clapping. Just as the emcee, Senior Planner Marie Mercurio, was concluding  her opening remarks, the protesters grabbed what they called “the people’s mic” to “fight not for profit but for the community.”

For over an hour, “Keep it 100% for Egleston,” a well-organized and well-rehearsed group, listed its demands to stop the Boston Redevelopment Authority-sponsored Plan JP/Rox for three months.

‘A Wasteland to Walk On’ — Residents Envision a Better Washington, Columbus

Alice Brown and John Dalzell review the survey of how people move around the study area.
Alice Brown and John Dalzell review the survey of how people move around the study area.

“Connecting people with places” was the theme of the fourth workshop in the Plan JP/Rox held on Thursday at English High School.

Of all the workshops in of the planning process this was most egalitarian; low income or high income, hotel maid or money manager, everyone uses the sidewalks, the streets or some form of transit to get to work, to school and home.

Residents Discuss a Future Plan of the Jamaica Plain and Roxbury Washington Street Corridor

Marie Mercurio, Lara Merido and John Dalzell BRA; staff for the Washington St Planning process
Marie Mercurio, Lara Merido and John Dalzell, of the Boston Redevelopment Authority, speak about the Washington Street planning process this past Wednesday.

More than 150 people from across Jamaica Plain gathered at English High School Wednesday evening to look into their crystal ball to see what Jamaica Plain – specifically the 257 acres from Forest Hills to Jackson Square would look like in the next five to  10 years.