Adoptive Families Together (AFT) Support Group Meeting

3313 Washington Street 3313 Washington Street, Jamaica Plain, MA, United States

Adoptive Families Together (AFT) Support Group Meeting, Friday, February 7 at 6;30 pm. Free. Parent-led adoption support group for parents who are about to, or have, adopted. Adults with connection to adoption are welcome. Free child care. Contact or Meets first Friday each month, 6:30-8:30pm, 3313 Washington St. Jamaica Plain.

Plant Exploration: Then and Now

Connolly Branch Library 433 Centre St., Jamaica Plain, MA, United States

The Jamaica Plain Historical Society is hosting Plant Exploration: Then and Now at the Connolly Branch Library. The event is 1-2:30 pm. Plant exploration – documenting and collecting wild plant diversity – is not just a Victorian Era activity, but is alive and well in 2025. The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University here in Jamaica Plain and Roslindale has been and remains an international leader in this activity. Veteran plant explorer Michael Dosmann uses examples…

First Church Jamaica Plain Recital Series

First Church in Jamaica Plain 6 Eliot Street, Jamaica Plain, MA, United States

The First Church in Jamaica Plain (6 Eliots St.) first recital as part of the 2024-25 Recital Series is Saturday, Oct. 19 at 3 pm. Performers for the first recital will be First Church’s music director – pianist Andrei Baumann, with cellist Adrienne Taylor and Jesse Holstein performing trios by Coleridge-Taylor and Dvorak. The second concert is Feb. 15 with the Boston Opera Collaborative. The third concert will be on April 26 with Tom Megan…

First Church Jamaica Plain Recital Series

First Church in Jamaica Plain 6 Eliot Street, Jamaica Plain, MA, United States

The First Church in Jamaica Plain (6 Eliots St.) first recital as part of the 2024-25 Recital Series is Saturday, Oct. 19 at 3 pm. Performers for the first recital will be First Church’s music director – pianist Andrei Baumann, with cellist Adrienne Taylor and Jesse Holstein performing trios by Coleridge-Taylor and Dvorak. The second concert is Feb. 15 with the Boston Opera Collaborative. The third concert will be on April 26 with Tom Megan…

The Jamaica Plain News calendar is open to all local organizations and businesses.

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