Little Cocoa Bean Tot Cafe 1 Year Anniversary
Little Cocoa Bean Tot Cafe is celebrating its one-year anniversary on December 16, from 10 am to 5pm with family fun activities. Stop on by!
Little Cocoa Bean Tot Cafe is celebrating its one-year anniversary on December 16, from 10 am to 5pm with family fun activities. Stop on by!
At the Connolly Branch Library, José C. Massó III and debut author Margarita Barresi will discuss her book A Delicate Marriage, which is loosely based on her grandparents lives in mid-1900s Puerto Rico. They will also discuss how becoming a U.S. colony impacted the island, its people, and its politics during the time period of the novel through the present day. Following the talk there will be time for audience Q&A. A book signing will…
Nine Lessons & Carols December 16th @ 7:00 455 Arborway, Jamaica Plain, 02130 Celebrate the season with an evening of joyful music and Christmas readings followed by a reception. The event is free and open to all. Nine Lessons & Carols Tickets, Sat, Dec 16, 2023 at 7:00 PM | Eventbrite
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