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Posts published in “Opinion”

Letter: Postpartum Depression Does Not Discriminate

Postpartum depression does not discriminate when it comes to race, socio-economic status, education or ethnicity means that anyone can suffer from this illness.

Letter: Our Vital, Historic State Parks Need Champions

The following is an open letter to elected and appointed officials and park friends with numerous originators who wrote the letter, followed by organizations that signed onto support the letter. Representatives for the Arborway Coalition, Emerald Necklace Conservancy, Southwest Corridor Park Management Advisory Committee, and more signed the letter.

Letter: Group of Jamaica Plain Residents Say Yes to Question 1

As you fill out your ballot consider a Yes Vote for Question 1, the Fair Share Amendment.  We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to improve our schools and transit infrastructure for years to come, with Ballot Question 1, also known as the Fair Share Amendment.

Letter: You Should Support a Dog Park in Jamaica Plain

We are your neighbors. We all share the same love for Jamaica Plain and Boston
and we also have dogs. For over 20 years, the dog community in JP has tried again and again to have dog parks built in the neighborhood but each time we get close, the project is shutdown.

Letter: Minority Communities Disproportionately Impacted by Unprecedented Orange Line Shutdown

As communities across Greater Boston feel the effects of the MBTA’s 30-day Orange Line shut down we the representatives of the Black Economic Council of Massachusetts (BECMA), with the support of the Coalition for an Equitable Economy, and the Asian Business Empowerment Council (ABEC) want to register our deep concern about the impact this shutdown will have on our community members, many of whom are Black and Asian residents that rely on the MBTA for transportation every day.