Last updated on February 3, 2025
The city installed 13 bulbous speed humps on Allandale Street in mid-January and removed them barely two weeks later after frustrated community members let the city know they didn’t like them.
The city installed the bakers dozen of humps on about a half mile distance from Faulkner Hospital to Allandale Farm, which was pretty much right up to the Brookline border. But the humps were the hit-the-bottom-of-your-car type from being taller than most city humps, and were removed on February 1.
“In response to feedback from community members, the city conducted an engineering review, which determined that the speed humps on Allandale Street were not working as intended,” said a city spokesperson.
District 6 City Councilor Ben Weber said he and state Rep. Bill MacGregor heard from frustrated constituents and “asked the Chief of Streets to take some remedial action and we are proud to report that Chief Franklin-Hodge responded after a study showed the speed humps were built too high and in too great a number.”
Weber said the city is planning to replace them with four speed humps that are built lower to the ground.