Last updated on January 21, 2025
The demolition of Franklin Park’s White Stadium is scheduled to begin this week, but two city councilors who want to halt the project, are leading a Boston City Council meeting on Wednesday.
District 2 City Councilor Ed Flynn and At-Large Boston City Councilor Erin Murphy want the community to continue talking about the White Stadium project. They say the community has not had a chance to voice their opinion on the project, and are also concerned with the cost of the project to the city, an estimated $90+ million.
The Franklin Park Coalition (FPC) supports the project, and is encouraging a diversity of opinions to provide testimony at the hearing.
“From our survey last winter, we know there is a lot of enthusiasm for the project,” said FPC via email newsletter.
The City Council hearing hearing will have two parts: at 10 am the hearing focus on the financial aspects and facilities, and at 2 pm the hearing will focus on community engagement. The hearing will be in the Iannella Council Chamber, 5th Floor, of City Hall. If you can’t make it to the hearing, you can also testify by zoom – send an email to sign up and get the Zoom link.
FPC added that despite “transportation plans and a few other details are not yet complete,” they’re encouraged by the “continuous community engagement and transparency.” FPC said dozens of meetings have allowed FPC members and park users to voice their opinion.
Click here to read about White Stadium project constructions plans that include road closures, parking restrictions, tree removal, and more.