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Meeting Nov. 21: 14-Unit Building Proposed for Bartlett Square

Last updated on November 18, 2024

A proposed mixed-use project for the corner of Amory and Green streets will be discussed at a public meeting on Nov. 21.

Bartlett Sq 2 is proposed for the corner of Amory and Green streets.

Originally, the project sited across from the MBTA Green Street station was approved by the now defunct BPDA Board and the Zoning Board of Appeals for the site in 2016. But the project was not made due to a lawsuit by a commercial abutter, according to the developer’s website.

The new proposal is similar to the 2016 project, but with some changes. The building’s size and number of residential units have both been decreased. The building size would be 22% smaller, going from 25,700 sq. ft to 19,900 sq ft. The height of the building is being increased from four to five stories.

The number of residential units was reduced from 22 to 14, and the units would now be condos instead of rental apartments, with 14.3% being affordable and $180,000 being contributed to the city’s housing fund.

There would be two 1,050 sq. ft. commercial units, and 14 garage parking spots. A driveway would be between the building and 157 Green St.

The virtual meeting is on Nov. 21 at 6 pm, and is intended for abutters. The meeting can be accessed via Zoom using this link: and a Meeting ID: 859 1726 7736 or Dial In: +1 646 558 8656

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