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Community Meeting to Discuss Pickleballers, Basketball & Tennis Players Sharing South Street Courts on July 30

Long before pickleball took over, there was tennis and basketball. But pickleball has become so popular that it’s taken over the South Street Mall courts in recent years. So much so that basketball players, and especially tennis players, often don’t have space to play.

With that in mind, there will be a community hybrid (in-person and Zoom) meeting on July 30 to “solicit community agreements, present and discuss proposals” to use the courts.

Through the years basketball and tennis players were able to just show up and usually get on their respective courts. Tennis players would often yield to basketball players as the basketball hoops are on one of the tennis courts. Anecdotally numerous people have said pickleball players would not cede the courts when they wanted to play tennis or basketball.

Pickleball has become so popular that Boston Parks and Rec are converting one of the tennis courts at English High School to four pickleball courts.

The meeting is being organized by state Rep. Sam Montano, District 6 City Councilor Ben Weber, and state Senator Liz Miranda. Representatives of the Boston Parks and Recreation Department are scheduled to attend. The South Street courts are a Parks and Rec site.

The meeting will be held at Curtis Hall from 6 to 7:30 pm. To attend via Zoom, please scan the QR Code below:

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