Was there always a giant plastic cow head protruding from the current home of J.P. Licks? What was previously in CVS’ current location? Well, check out the answers to those questions and more — from these photos from the 1970s from the Jamaica Plain Historical Society.
The following photos were taken by former Jamaica Plain resident Donald Latham, and were donated to the Jamaica Plain Historical Society by his brother Tom.
The businesses at 765-783 Centre St. AAA Appliances was located in the block, and only in the last few years did it move to the corner location.Somethings don’t change much. Bank of Boston was located where Bank of America is located.The Boston Five Cents Savings Bank was an institution in Boston for many years.Louis Market was at 726 Centre St., and check out that billboard advertising cigarettes.At 144-146 South St. there used to be Bull Dog’s Pub and Christy’s Markets.Jax Discount Center once stood where CVS is currently located at 704 Centre St.J.P. Licks used to be located at 470 Centre St.Did you know that the Children’s Museum used to be in Jamaica Plain??The Clothes Inn was in City Feed’s current location.659 Centre St., is where J.P. Licks is currently located. Here’s what it looked like many years ago.