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Jamaica Plain Resident Wins Gastrointestinal Scholarship

Last updated on July 20, 2023

As a person with a diagnosed GI disorder, Jamaica Plain resident Raina Levin’s earning a Salix Gastrointestinal (GI) Health Scholars Award, is only fitting.

Raina Levin

Levin will receive a $10,000 scholarship to the Boston University School of Public Health in the fall to receive a Master of Public Health with a focus on environmental health and chronic disease prevention.

The scholarship is awarded to 10 outstanding students living with gastrointestinal (GI) diseases and disorders who are pursuing their higher education goals. Among the requirements, award applicants were asked to write about the role their healthcare providers have played in helping to treat the condition.

“Over the past decade, I’ve seen quite a few healthcare providers, but was only recently diagnosed with a GI disorder. This year, it took a PA, gastroenterologist, nutritionist, and allergist to get me answers, but my quality of life has significantly improved now that I have them,” said Levin. “After I graduate with my MPH, I’m hoping to work at a local board of health or transit agency. I’m really interested in how the design of cities can affect our health, and want to center my career on health equity.”

Levin was selected as one of 10 recipients from a pool of more than 225 applicants.

The Salix Gastrointestinal Health Scholars Program recognizes students across a wide range of educational pursuits, with scholarships in four categories, including the Undergraduate Scholar Awards, for those pursuing undergraduate degrees; the Graduate Scholar Awards, for those pursuing graduate degrees; the Working Parent’s Scholar Award, for parents pursuing undergraduate, vocational/technical or graduate degrees, and the Single Parent’s Scholar Award, for students who are single parents pursuing undergraduate, vocational/technical, or graduate degrees.

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