Last updated on March 17, 2022
The Arnold Arboretum will be celebrating it sesquicentennial with a special in-person and virtual event on March 29.
The Arnold Arboretum was founded on Friday, March 29, 1872. Exactly 150 years later, the Arnold Arboretum is inviting you to hear Lisa Pearson, Head of the Arboretum Library and Archives, for a special sesquicentennial lecture. Pearson will discuss the earliest benefactors of the Arnold Arboretum, the events that led to the founding of the institution, and the busy first two decades during which the infrastructure and living collections were installed at the arboretum.
This event will be at the Arboretum’s Weld Hill Research Building (1300 Centre St., Roslindale) on Tuesday, March 29, 2 to 3 pm. Click here to register for the virtual streaming of this event, or sign up for the in-person event by clicking here.