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Auditions: Footlight Club’s ‘Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike’ on Feb. 15 & 16

Last updated on February 8, 2022

Auditions for the Footlight Club’s spring show of the Tony Award winning Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike will be on Feb. 15 and 16.

Groovy secretaries (Susanna Ronalds-Hannon, Rebecca Glucklich, Alicia Powell, Melinda Mogel, Amanda Bedford) from The Footlight Club’s production of “Promises, Promises.”

Actors are being auditioned in one-hour segments, and sides will be emailed to those auditioning for preparation. Sign up here for an audition slot. Actors should be prepared to stay for the entire hour. Auditions will be held at The Footlight Club on Eliot Street on Feb. 15 and 16 from 6 to 8 pm. Rehearsals begin the week of Feb. 22, according to the Footlight Club’s website.

Four characters (Vanya, Spike, Cassandra and Nina) and three understudies are being cast from the auditions.

Here’s info about the show from the Footlight Club’s website:

Middle-aged siblings Vanya and Sonia share a home in Bucks County, PA, where they bicker and complain about the circumstances of their lives. Suddenly, their movie-star sister, Masha, swoops in with her new boy toy, Spike. Old resentments flare up, eventually leading to threats to sell the house. Also on the scene are sassy maid Cassandra, who can predict the future, and a lovely young aspiring actress named Nina, whose prettiness somewhat worries the imperious Masha.

Click here for more information about auditioning, rehearsals, performances and more.


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