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Emerald Necklace Conservancy Bringing Back ‘Lights in the Necklace’ This Winter

Last updated on January 26, 2022

The Emerald Necklace Conservancy is bringing back a wonderful reason to visit the Emerald Necklace parks this winter. Lights in theNecklace is a unique lighting exhibition which began last year and will return beginning February 1 and continuing through March 20, 2022.

Select bridges, and some trees, in the Emerald Necklace will be awash with an emerald glow. Lights in the Necklace celebrates the power of Boston and Brookline’s urban parks to bring visitors together, inspire and light the way in challenging times.

Enjoy the lighting on a series of iconic Emerald Necklace bridges, from dusk to 9 pm, daily. Also delight in the 10 trees at the intersection of the CommonwealthAvenue Mall and Charlesgate Park in Boston, which are already illuminated in emerald green string lights as part of Lights in the Necklace.

The Emerald Necklace’s 1,100 acres are home to more than 30 bridges. Connecting neighbors and bridging communities is what the Necklace was designed to do nearly 150 years ago by famed landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted, who would have turned 200 this year. The Emerald Necklace and our shared green spaces continue to be some of the primary places of community connection amidst the ongoing pandemic.

Not only will the emerald green bridges offer fantastic picture taking moments, they will also bring some fun and light to people as they explore the Emerald Necklace while commuting, crossing the parks on daily errands, or taking a stroll or run through the parks in the evening.

“New England winters are long, and this winter we are excited to bring back Lights in the Necklace to offer a safe outdoor activity for park users,” said Emerald Necklace Conservancy President Karen Mauney-Brodek. “We hope this limited-time installation will once again give folks a reason to visit the parks – and maybe even explore new areas of the Emerald Necklace for the first time.”

Information about each bridge’s history and significance in the Emerald Necklace will be available on the Conservancy’s website and mobile tour guide. Signs posted at the Charlesgate Park’s emerald-lit trees also provide information about the ongoing revitalization of Charlesgate Park.

Illuminated Locations (subject to change, therefore please check for the most up-to-date details):

  • Charlesgate Park Trees on the Commonwealth Avenue Mall
  • Liff Park Bridges in the Back Bay Fens
  • Chapel Street Footbridge in Riverway Park
  • Bridle Footbridge in Riverway Park
  • Longwood Avenue Bridge in Riverway Park
  • Leverett Pond Footbridge in Olmsted Park
  • Wards Pond Footbridge in Olmsted Park
  • Ellicott Arch in Franklin Park

The Mobile Tour Guide is best viewable on a mobile device at You can share your #NecklaceLights moment by using the hashtag.

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