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Jamaica Plain Has A Brand New Skatepark — And It’s Already Been Graffitied

Last updated on August 25, 2021

There hasn’t even been an official grand opening for Jamaica Plain’s renovated skate park on the Southwest Corridor, and it’s already been graffitied.

A skateboarder in the air at the newly renovated Jamaica Plain Skatepark on the Southwest Corridor. The graffiti was emblazoned on it mere days after the park reopened. (Photos by Shaheen Pooladvand)

Skateboarders quickly took to the newly renovated skatepark between Oakdale and Amory streets. Before being closed the skatepark had makeshift skate ramps made through the years, but now the skatepark has smooth curves all around it with a landing area for skateboarders, non-motorized scooters, rollerbladers, bicyclists, and more.

The renovations cost $75,000, with the Department of Conservation and Recreation providing $50,000 on top of $25,000 from Converse and Wheels of Steel.

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