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Discuss Community Public Safety, Policing at Virtual JPNC Meeting

Last updated on July 12, 2021

Residents are invited to hear from each other about public safety and policing in our community at the JPNC Public Safety Subcommittee on Police and Police Procedures on July 19.

“Since convening, the Police Procedures Subcommittee has recommended a number of names to the [Office of Police Accountability and Transparency] Civilian Review Board, is working to create a neighborhood-wide Statement of Values for Public Safety, and has invited speakers to better understand legislation and proposals related to policing as part of our work. Events like this Listening Session will help us make sure our work benefits the entire JP community,” said Paige Sparks, a member of the subcommittee.

Boston Police District E-13 personnel have been attending the bi-weekly meetings of the subcommittee, but will not be participating in the event.

“This is meant to be a community conversation, and therefore [Boston Police District] E-13 officers have expressed support in sitting this one out,” said Sparks. “Representatives from E-13 have been attending the bi-weekly meetings of the subcommittee that is hosting the event, so lines of communication are open.”

The listening session agenda will include introductions, go over the purpose of the meeting, discussion of community norms, two breakout room sessions with reports on the sessions, and next steps.

Interpretation services will be available for Spanish speakers.

The Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council’s Public Safety Subcommittee on Police and Police Procedures Listening Session on Police and Safety will be on Monday, July 19th at 7 pm via Zoom. Register here:

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