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Boston Public Branch Libraries Reopening June 14

Last updated on May 31, 2021

The Boston Public Copley Library opens on June 1, and all branch libraries (not under construction) will be reopening on June 14.

Boston Public Library card

Beginning on June 1, patrons will be able to browse select books in the Copley Library building, and patrons will also be able to ask staff to pull books on demand. Patrons will be able to pick up holds, check out books and DVDs. Patrons will also be able to spend time in the courtyard, renew their library cards, use public computers, print, and make photocopies.

Starting June 14 branch library visitors will be able to pick up holds, check out books, spend time browsing, use the library’s computers for limited time slots, print and make photocopies. Also, branch exterior spaces such as courtyards or reading gardens will be accessible to the public as well.

Until branches reopen, library patrons may continue to rely on the BPL To Go program to check out items from their preferred branch. Once the branches have reopened, patrons will no longer need to make an appointment to retrieve their holds, and can pick up their items during open hours as normal.

The adjusted branch hours will be made available soon.

Safety Requirements
All patrons visiting any library location will be required to wear a mask over their nose and mouth at all times, and follow all staff instructions regarding safety.

Visitors are not allowed to eat or drink inside the libraries or to use meeting rooms during this initial reopening phase.

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