Last updated on January 29, 2021
The impact advisory group (IAG) for a proposed 160-residential unit development with a first floor restaurant will meet on Feb. 1.
The owner of BMS Paper, a store on the site, would redevelop the site to add the mixed-use building. The proposal includes off street parking for 195 vehicles.
The eatery would be a “moderately priced neighborhood style restaurant,” and the total project would be in 199,000 sq. ft.
The purpose of the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) public meeting is to discuss the project notification form (PNF) filing for the project, which is the impact advisory group’s role. The meeting will include a presentation and discussion with the IAG followed by Q&A and comments from the general public.
The proposal of this development is interesting as it’s a mere 190 feet away from an approved and city-financially supported Pine Street Inn supportive housing project. The BPDA has approved that project, and the property owner across the street is suing to block the development, citing an issue of parking.
This is a virtual Zoom meeting on Monday, Feb. 1 from 7 to 9 pm, which you must register to attend using this link, and then you will receive a confirmation email with instructions for joining the meeting. Meeting attendees will also receive an email prior to the meeting regarding technical assistance.