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Rescheduled Public Meeting Dec. 8: 38 Units for Low/Extremely Low-Income Seniors Proposed for Washington Street

Last updated on November 28, 2020

Editor’s note: This meeting was originally rescheduled for Dec. 1, and has been moved to Dec. 8.

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There will be a public meeting on Dec. 8 to discuss a proposed 5-story building at the corner of Washington and Green streets that would provide 38 units for low-income and extremely low-income seniors.

New Atlantic Development LLC and Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation (JPNDC) have proposed the development for the parcels at the rear of 3359-3365 Washington St. and 3371-3375 Washington St., combining into a 10,927 sq. ft. site.

The proposed building also includes 800 sq. ft. of restaurant space dedicated for the El Embajador Restaurant, which is a current tenant on the site.

The parcels at 3371-3375 Washington St. were previously owned by City Realty, which proposed to build on four lots at 197-201 Green St., and two lots at 3371-3375 Washington St. But those plans were scuttled because the proposed building didn’t align with JP/Rox Plan requirements, and tenants, El Embajador Dominican Restaurant (3371 Washington St.) and De Chain Auto Service (3373 Washington St.) fought with City Realty to stay at their locations.

3371 Washington Street proposed includes 5 stories, 38 units, and room for El Embajador Restaurant.

The currently proposed building would include the demolition of an existing non-historic industrial structure and build a five-story, 36,834 sq. ft. affordable senior housing development.

Tenants would be provided a full range of management services designed for senior housing. Tenants will have supportive programs and services geared to help both frail and independent residents, including, but not limited to regular programmed activities, 24-hour emergency response, service coordination and an on-site meal program, according to the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA). A live-in manager’s units will also be included. The project would also include indoor and outdoor common areas, a communal kitchen and dining room, and common laundry area.

The virtual meeting is taking place from 6 to 8 pm on Dec. 8.

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