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Photos: Wow! Great Blue Heron Nabs a Frog for Breakfast in Arnold Arboretum

Wildlife photographer Chris Lang captured this spectacular scene of a great blue heron grabbing a frog for breakfast at the Arnold Arboretum.

“The frog was doing all it could to make itself as big as possible in hopes that the heron would decide it was too big to swallow. It wasn’t,” said Lang.

Click here to see more photos by Chris Lang Photography.

A great blue heron catches a frog at the Arnold Arboretum (Photo by Chris Lang Photography)
The great blue heron extends its legs to land.
Like a landing jet, the heron has its legs out and wings extended.
Beautiful greenery and flowers decorate the pond at the Arnold Arboretum.
The heron hides in the marsh.
A bullfrog fights with the heron for survival.
The heron eventually won this battle between bird and frog.
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