Last updated on June 21, 2020
The Jamaica Plain Branch Library is one of the five branch libraries that will participate in the initial BPL to Go program, which will allow people to pick up physical items such as books, DVDs, and CDs.
BPL to Go launched at the Jamaica Plain Branch Library on June 22.

“We are so glad to return this first in-person service to our patrons, to complement the online services we have rolled out since we closed in March,” said David Leonard, BPL President. “For several weeks, we have been planning how to safely return to in-person service; after evaluating recommendations from experts and learning from peer libraries across the country, we have a program that will allow us to place some of our collections back into circulation.”
The first five locations participating in the program re the Central Library in Copley Square, the Codman Square Branch, the East Boston Branch, the Jamaica Plain Branch, and the Mattapan Branch. BPL hopes the program will be expanded throughout the system in the coming weeks.
Using the library website, calling 617-536-5400, or the “BPL To Go” iPhone app, patrons will be able to place a hold on items. Patrons will be notified when their items are ready to be picked up, and will schedule a time to pickup.
Patrons will remain outside of the branch at their scheduled time and call the branch phone number posted on the door to let staff know they have arrived. Library staff will retrieve items and provide it to the patrons. Patrons and staff must wear face coverings and practice social distancing.
At the branches, patrons can pick up their items from 2 to 6 pm Monday through Thursday, and from 2 to 4 pm on Friday.
All fines accrued on books checked out prior to the library’s closure have been waived until September 1. Patrons will also be able to return books to locations once they open for BPL to Go. Return bins will be available for patrons to drop off their items, and will be quarantined for at least 72 hours before being processed by staff and returned to circulation.