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Roundabout? Traffic Signals? Discuss How to Improve Centre & Walter Streets Intersection on Feb. 13

Last updated on February 2, 2020

The intersection at Centre and Walter streets is often an accident waiting to happen. Cars come speeding downhill from JP’s Centre Street on their way to West Roxbury and Roslindale, and turning onto Walter Street can be quite dangerous.

The Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) is looking to rectify this situation and is hosting a meeting on Feb. 13 to to discuss how to improve the intersection.

At this public meeting, DCR officials will provide information and seek public input on proposed design concepts to improve the intersection. Improvements beyond the intersection will be discussed at a separate community meeting process.

DCR performed a corridor study of Centre Street in 2015, which included recommendations on how to improve the intersection. Presently, the intersection doesn’t include pedestrian accommodations.

DCR’s considering a redesign based on the study, which could include a roundabout, and two traffic signals with pedestrian and bicycle accommodations.

The project will include a roadway safety analysis that will examine crash database information from recent years. The results of the analysis will be shared with the public after completion.

Don’t worry if you can’t attend the meeting, DCR will post the proposed improvements here. Comments on the proposal can be submitted online by clicking here or by writing to the Department of Conservation and Recreation, Office of Public Outreach, 251 Causeway Street, 6th Floor, Boston, MA 02114.

The meeting will be on Thursday, Feb. 13 from 6:30 to 8 pm at the Sophia Snow Place entrances (1205 or 120 Centre St., West Roxbury). If the meeting is snowed out, the meeting will be held on Feb. 27, same time and same location. There will be free parkign at 1245 Centre Street, at the former Spaulding Rehabilition Nursing & Therapy Center.

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