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Fresh Hair Salon Closing After 37 Years of Cutting Hair

Longtime South Street business Fresh Hair will be closing its doors for the last time in the next week after being open for 37 years in Jamaica Plain.

Salon ownership announced the closure this past fall through its customer newsletter.

“It has been a wonderful time, and we are ready to move on to other adventures,” said the brief explanation of the closure.

Services will be offered through Dec. 21st, and there will be an open house on Dec. 23rd from 2 pm to 8 pm, and 10 am to 3 pm on Dec. 24th.

By that time it is expected that all salon employees will know the next salon they’ll be working. Let’s be honest — so many of us follow hairdressers! A silver lining about the business announcing its closure in the fall was that it gave the opportunity for employees to find new employers. That also meant that as employees left services like facials and body waxing stopped being offered in the fall, according to the salon’s newsletter.

But the Fresh Hair Salon location will not be empty for long as the Papercuts bookstore will be moving into the space at 60 South Street early 2020.

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