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BPDA Board Approves Two JP Projects: 65 Units, All Income-Restricted; 45 units, 10 income-restricted

Last updated on December 12, 2019

Two proposed Jamaica Plain projects approved by the Boston Planning & Development Agency board on Dec. 12 will provide more income-restricted housing to the city.

1595-1599 Columbus Avenue

The existing buildings at 1595-1599 Columbus Ave. will be demolished, and a 65-unit, six-story building in which all units would be income-restricted, will be built. There would also be 4,000 square feet of non-residential space on the ground floor, which is being envisioned as a workspace for artists, office space or other uses. The project is being made Urban Edge Housing Corporation.

The other project is at 10 Stonley Road, and would include 45 housing units with 10 income-restricted units, with five of those being artist live/work spaces. The building would have 19 parking spaces and 38 bicycle spaces. The income-restricted units would be “offered to lower income residents at a range of income levels,” according to the BPDA. A new public mural would also be made at the site in collaboration with the city’s Office of Arts and Culture.

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